Friday, January 31, 2014

U-District Mission: January Update

So much has happened since November when I first wrote about our family taking up the call to be all-in and on mission to the University District. What was initially filled with passion and exuberance was met with daily struggles to see the hope of what God can do here, and a battle minute by minute to not hide away from the pain and suffering around us but willingly walk straight into the thick of it.

That being said, God has worked so much these last few weeks! Things that we never, EVER thought would happen actually did, and connections we only thought about making are actually real rather than theory. 

Here's what has been happening:
Happily trekking to Trader Joe's with "Giraffey" and Daddy.

Goodbye Car!

After much praying and increasing mechanic bills, Andrew and I decided to sell our car. This means that we bus and walk everywhere. While it sounds crazy, living in the UD makes it quite simple to be car-less. We live within a couple of blocks of dozens of bus lines, grocery stores, pharmacies and incredible restaurants. When we need a car, there have been families who have generously given us theirs to use for the day, and Zipcar is always another option.

I have learned a great deal about my entitlement and pride through going car-less. I like my schedule to stay what I have planned, and bussing does not allow for this. Instead of knowing exactly how my day will look, I have to be flexible - busses are early and missed and that's how it goes. I also am learning how scared I am of how people will view me through how Owen behaves on the bus rides. My pride wants to think that I have a perfect child who sleeps on the bus rides and plays quietly on my nap when he is awake. Reality is that my precious toddler is a toddler. He wants to move around and see people and isn't always wanting to remain quiet. This will take a while for me, but I know that God is molding my heart to only desire His will and the best for Owen, even when that means my pride is shattered and I receive disapproving looks from fellow passengers.

Awesome Indian food at Shalimar for a Date Night on the Ave. 
Community Group

We switched community groups around Thanksgiving, and God has grown that community in these couple of months more than I ever thought possible. We adored the old group we were a part of, and it was painful to leave such a godly group of people. Our new group though is an easy walk or bus ride from our house, and is led by a couple who have also made the UD their home and mission field. Being able to open up once again and be vulnerable with the women of the group has been a challenge, but has been met with love and support which I am so grateful for. We also are so excited to be able to serve together at the UD YMCA every other month. This opportunity gives us the chance to interact personally with youth in the area who are homeless and struggling, and not only give them food, but a friendly interaction and, I pray, hope. I am so looking forward to March when we serve again, and it has been such an awesome thing to see the youth we served around the UD and make connections while just doing life.

U-District Library

The UD branch of the Seattle Public Library system is just a couple of steps away from our house, and we have started to take advantage of this more and more over the last month. I joined their monthly book club and our first meeting was this Monday - I was not only one of the youngest people there, but very obviously the one who has the least knowledge of discussing classic works of fiction! It showed me that I have a lot to learn, and the diversity of the participants is exactly what I was hoping for - I really need out of my little bubble, and this makes it happen. Andrew and I have also started taking Owen to the preschool pajama story time on Tuesdays. He adores the children's librarian and is even beginning to get more comfortable playing along with others - not just sitting within arms reach of us.
Owen colored a mitten for the display! (his is bottom right)


One of the frequently overlooked gems in the U-District is the park on 50th. When we first moved into the UD, I swore that I would never take Owen to that park, I thought it was "sketchy" and gross. While it is sometimes less-than-ideal, it is also a great way that we have interacted with some of the other families living in the area. Owen has taken to wanting to swing and slide down the slide, and often points and grunts at the park when we walk past it.

Another way that we have been interacting and trying to build better connections and relationships with our neighbors is through actually stopping to talk with some of the homeless who live around us. One gentleman in particular has been placed on Andrew's and my heart and we are excited to learn more about him and his story, and hopefully be able to love and serve him well.


Needless to say, God has been moving in our hearts and lives and daily routines here in the Titus Homestead. I wish that I could talk more about the individual interactions and lessons I am learning, but for the sake of time, I will try to condense everything into a once-monthly update. I will also be posting pictures and quick prayer requests and praises throughout the month, so look for them as well!

Here are some ways you can be praying for us this month:

On one of our bus riding adventures. 
For connections at the pajama story time - it's not common to be in a room with just UD families outside of church, and we would love to be able to get to know the parents who call the UD home, or at least desire to bring their kiddos to the UD library for this story time. 

For opportunities in the RNA - this month we are joining the Roosevelt Neighborhood Alliance which is a group of neighbors in our area who care passionately for the neighborhood and work alongside the city doing various advocacy work and volunteer opportunities. Andrew would love to get more involved with things like zoning and building development planning, so this would be the place to start for sure.

For continued favor with bussing - Owen and I use the bus quite frequently now, and it is tricky but totally doable and sometimes quite fun. Prayers that we would continue to enjoy our bus rides and that somehow I can make connections with those on the buses we take on a regular basis would be awesome. It's so hard to talk through iPods and headphones, but having toddler who wants to play peek-a-boo does help :) 

Until next post,
Sola Dei Gloria 

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