Monday, October 14, 2013

Facebook Free :)

So I deleted my account. It feels wonderful.

I guess I needed to actually realize that what I was 'gaining' from Facebook was actually taking away and that my heart was not being uplifted by it, but drawn more into my self and definitely away from Jesus.

That being said, I am so excited to start writing more, you know, with all of that spare time I now have :)

If you notice near the top of the blog, there are a few new tabs - Book Reviews, Family Updates, Food Finds, Join Me in Prayer, Making a Home and Walking in the Word. I will be labeling all of my posts from now on and putting them into these categories, so that they will be easier to read through and search for. My current goal is to write once a week, and to try and post to each category once a month. Here is a little more detail about each of the topics:

Book Reviews - I absolutely love to read, and when I find books that I can't put down, I love to share them. So this is where I will do that! Not only am I hoping that this will push me to read more consistently (I tend to read in spurts and then have a week or two... or three... where I barely read at all), but I would love to share about the ones that truly are worth reading (at least in my opinion). As with all of the posts, feel free to comment on the reviews, I would love to know if anyone else has read the books and what thoughts are about them.

Family Updates - Kind of self explanatory, but this is where I will post pictures of my growing little man, updates on Andrew and myself and our lives in the U-District. We are taking Owen to his first pumpkin patch this coming weekend, so look for an update sometime next week! 

Food Finds - I will be sharing recipes, bargain hunting finds, and different bulk-buying tips here. I will also be uploading tips and guides for meal planning (both weekly and monthly) and various sales that are too good not to share. Make sure to sign up for this blog through your email to get all of the updates!

Join Me in Prayer - In this, I will be posting what the Lord has put on my heart especially in regards to the U-District, as well as how God has answered prayers and continued prayer requests. Feel free to post prayer requests as well (or email me) and we can be on our knees together for His will to be done.

Making a Home - I am nervous and excited for this one. I don't feel as though I am that creative, and will be praying continuously that this section doesn't become a place to boast or bemoan in my homemaking. I adore making the house that my husband, son and I live in into a home, so this will be the place I will post about DIY projects, holiday traditions, and other things that are homemaker-y in subject. As with the Food Finds section, when I have redone something I have found online, I will make sure to post the original link for you all as well. 

Walking in the Word - I can't wait for this section. As a Christian, I have always struggled with finding the Bible dry and dull, especially the Old Testament and particularly the "law" books. Recently though, the Lord has answered my prayers that the Bible would indeed be my daily bread. In this section, I will be writing about what I am reading in the Word, and mainly the stream of consciousness reflections I have on what I've been reading. I am no theologian or seminary student, but am a lover of Jesus and do enjoy Greek word studies... so this should be fun :)

Until next post,

Sola Dei Gloria 

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